7-11, 1325 DEWEY, ROCHESTER, New York, 14613
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for 7-11 Near You
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Open 24 hoursPhone Number: (585) 458-7715
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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The map and information below will help you find the closest 7-11 near you. Need to know what time 7-11 in ROCHESTER opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more.
7-Eleven operates as the largest chain in the convenience store industry. With over 46,000 locations across 16 countries, 7-11 franchises and licenses numerous convenience stores in the U.S., Canada, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Thailand. 7-Eleven sells quality sandwiches, prepared foods, snacks, gasoline, dairy products, and various beverages. The convenience store chain also offers private-label items, such as Slurpee frozen drinks, Big Gulp fountain drinks, Big Bite hotdogs, Hot Brazilian coffee, and various 7-Select products. Each year, 7-Eleven earns an estimated $76 billion in sales. A large employer, 7-11 employs tens of thousands of workers worldwide. Headquarters for 7-Eleven reside in Dallas, TX.
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