Burger King, 198 South Jackson Street, Grove Hill, Alabama, 36451
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Burger King Near You
Burger King
198 South Jackson Street Grove Hill AL 36451
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
6:00am - 11:00pm Weekdays, 6:00am - 1:00am WeekendsPhone Number: (251) 275-4458
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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A global network of fast-food restaurants, Burger King began in Jacksonville, FL, in July 1953. Today, Burger King accounts for almost 13,000 locations worldwide. Burger King mainly offers an assortment of burgers, the "Whopper" amongst the most famous. Additional menu items include fries, chicken, salads, breakfast items, and more. Burger King maintains both company-owned restaurants and independently-operated franchise locations. Annual revenue for Burger King totals around $2.3 billion.
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