
Coldwater Creek, 9700 Village Place Blvd, Brighton, Michigan, 48116

Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Coldwater Creek

  1. Coldwater Creek
    9700 Village Place Blvd Brighton MI 48116

    Hours(Opening & Closing Times):

    Phone Number: (810) 225-0384

    Customer Service Email or Contact:

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The map and information below will help you find the closest Coldwater Creek near you. Need to know what time Coldwater Creek in Brighton opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more.

Based out of Sandpoint, ID, Coldwater Creek specializes in women's apparel and accessories. A public company, Coldwater openly trades on the stock market under the initials, CWTR. The Coldwater Creek network featured over 300 stores, employing more than 10,000 workers. The fashion retail company produced over $780 million in annual revenue, as well. After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Coldwater Creek closed all of its stores in 2014. Currently, Coldwater Creek still offers ordering through catalogs and their online shopping website.