
Cost Cutters Store Locator

Address, Contact Information, & Hours of Operation for all Cost Cutters Locations

Please select your state below.
  1. Alabama
  2. Arizona
  3. California
  4. Colorado
  5. Connecticut
  6. Delaware
  7. Florida
  8. Georgia
  9. Iowa
  10. Idaho
  11. Illinois
  12. Indiana
  13. Kentucky
  14. Massachusetts
  15. Michigan
  16. Minnesota
  17. Missouri
  18. Mississippi
  19. Montana
  20. North Carolina
  21. North Dakota
  22. Nebraska
  23. New Hampshire
  24. New Jersey
  25. Nevada
  26. New York
  27. Pennsylvania
  28. Rhode Island
  29. South Carolina
  30. South Dakota
  31. Tennessee
  32. Texas
  33. Virginia
  34. Washington
  35. Wisconsin
  36. West Virginia
  37. Wyoming

Cost Cutters offers a salon experience at an affordable price. Guests enjoy services like haircuts, coloring, waxing, and tanning. Owned by Regis Corporation, the world's largest beauty chain, customers can rest assured that all stylists are highly trained. Professional hair products are available for purchase as well. Use our store locator to find a Cost Cutters near you.