Exxon, 4718 US HWY 183 S, AUSTIN, Texas, 78744-4124
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Exxon Near You
4718 US HWY 183 S AUSTIN TEXAS 78744-4124
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Mon - Thu6:00 AM - 11:00 PM Fri6:00 AM - Midnight Sat7:00 AM - Midnight Sun7:00 AM - 11:00 PMPhone Number: (512) 386-9200
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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Exxon gas stations provide a comprehensive range of services to motorists across the eastern United States. Hundreds of locations offer gasoline and convenience store items. Additional amenities include diesel fuel, car washes, and even auto repairs. Exxon originally formed in January 1973, replacing several regional gas stations. Exxon gas stations currently operate as a subsidiary of the ExxonMobil Corporation. The worldwide oil and gas company also owns Aera Energy, Esso, Superior Oil Company, Mobil, and Imperial Oil. ExxonMobil boasts the largest revenue of any company in the world, with annual earnings over $450 billion. A public company, corporate headquarters for ExxonMobil reside in Irving, TX.
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