
Food Lion, 238 Pritchard Road, Clayton, North Carolina, 27527

Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Food Lion

  1. Food Lion of Clayton
    238 Pritchard Road Clayton NC 27527

    Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
    Mon - Sun: 7 am - 11 pm

    Phone Number: (919) 553-1390

    Customer Service Email or Contact:

Food Lion Coupons, Promos, Discounts, Special Offers:

The map and information below will help you find the closest Food Lion near you. Need to know what time Food Lion in Clayton opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more.

Founded in 1957, Food Lion operates as a leader in the supermarket industry. The grocery store chain owns and manages over 1,100 locations across 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. Food Lion offers more than 29,000 different products in each store, including more than 2,800 exclusive private-label products. A large employer, Food Lion staffs over 60,000 associates. Food City operates as the largest subsidiary of Delhaize Group. A publicly held company, Delhaize trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker, DEG.