Great Clips, 50 Barrett Pkwy, Marietta, Georgia, 30066
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Great Clips Near You
Great Clips
50 Barrett PkwySte 3015 Marietta GA 30066
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
M-F 9-9, Sat 8-7, Sun 10-6,Hours_MF_Open:09:00 AM,Hours_MF_Close:09:00 PM,Hours_Sat_Open:08:00 AM,Hours_Sat_Close:07:00 PM,Hours_Sun_Open:10:00 AM,Hours_Sun_Close:06:00 PMPhone Number: (770) 919-2511
Customer Service Email or Contact:
Correct this information
[email protected]
The map and information below will help you find the closest Great Clips near you. Need to know what time Great Clips in Marietta opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more.
Great Clips offers value-priced haircuts and treatments at over 3,300 locations. Patrons may also purchase items from Solutions, the company line of haircare products. The franchised chain supports charities, sponsors local sports as well as professional entities like NASCAR, and contributes to fundraisers when possible. With flexible hours and no appointments necessary, trained stylists remain available to provide excellent cuts at the convenience of customers.
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