Loblaw, 52 Rochette St, Petit-rocher, NB, E8J 1J6
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Loblaw
52 Rochette St Petit-rocher NB E8J 1J6
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Saturday08:00 Am - 10:00 Pm Sunday08:00 Am - 10:00 Pm Monday08:00 Am - 10:00 Pm Tuesday08:00 Am - 10:00 Pm Wednesday08:00 Am - 10:00 Pm Thursday08:00 Am - 10:00 Pm Friday08:00 Am - 10:00 PmPhone Number: (506) 783-4293
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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Founded in 1919, Loblaw operates as a leading Canadian supermarket chain. As the largest food distributor in Canada, Loblaw offers high-quality products and low prices. Brands operating under the Loblaw banner include Extra Foods, Nofrills, Loblaws, Maxi, Zehrs Markets, SaveEasy, Wholesale Club, Bloorstreet Market, and Valu-mart. Operating over 1,000 supermarkets, Loblaw severs over 14 million shoppers weekly. Headquarters for Loblaw reside in Brampton, Ontario. Loblaw employs over 130,000 workers across Canada.