M-A-C, 370 North Milwaukee, Boise, Idaho, 83704
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for M-A-C
370 North Milwaukee Boise ID 83704
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Monday - Friday: 08:00am - 08:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am - 06:00pmPhone Number: 208-373-6000
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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MAC Cosmetics kiosks often exist within well-known department stores, such as Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Dillard's, and Macy's. Customers may receive advice from specialized makeup artists who work at the stands and may even consent to the artists applying makeup in-store. MAC remains headquartered in New York City, NY, and the company continues to pursue innovative products to add to already-impressive lines of makeup, skin care products, bags, additional accessories, and tools for application. Uniquely, MAC offers a recycling barter system wherein customers may bring in six empty containers in exchange for a free lipstick.