Macy's, 4809 Outer Loop, Louisville, Kentucky, 40219
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Macy's Near You
4809 Outer Loop Louisville KY 40219
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
CLOSEDPhone Number: (502) 966-1800
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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The history of Macy's traces back to its founding in 1858. Today, Macy's operates as an iconic retail department store brand with over 800 stores across the country. The department store chain sells clothing for men, women, and children as well as accessories, bedding, furniture, cosmetics, and housewares. In addition to a wide selection of products in stores, Macy's offers a vast collection of merchandise through the official website. Macy's earns more than $24 billion in revenues each year. A major employer in the department store industry, Macys staffs over 160,000 workers nationwide.
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