Meineke, 184 Goffle Road, HAWTHORNE, New Jersey, 07506-3605
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Meineke Near You
184 Goffle Road HAWTHORNE NJ 07506-3605
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Monday - Friday 7:30AM to 6:00PM, Saturday 7:30AM to 4:00PM,Sunday Not OpenPhone Number: (973) 427-5300
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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The map and information below will help you find the closest Meineke near you. Need to know what time Meineke in HAWTHORNE opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more.
Meineke Car Care Centers began operations as a muffler shop in 1971 in Pasadena, TX. The automotive services company maintains around 900 locations in the U.S., Canada, Caribbean, China, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and South Korea. The car care chain offers regularly scheduled maintenance and services on any type of passenger car, SUV, truck, van, and fleet vehicles utilizing cutting-edge technology. Meineke services include brakes, A/C, batteries, steering, CV joints/boots, and exhaust. Additional services include oil, fluid, and filter changes, tires and wheels, fuel injections, transmission flushes, and other preventative maintenance services. Meineke Car Care Centers maintains headquarters in Charlotte, NC.
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