
Monro Muffler/Brake & Service, 1063 U.S. Route 302, Berlin, Vermont, 5641

Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Monro Muffler/Brake & Service

  1. Monro Muffler/Brake & Service
    1063 U.S. Route 302 Berlin VT 5641

    Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
    Monday 07:30am - 06:00pm
    Tuesday 07:30am - 06:00pm
    Wednesday 07:30am - 06:00pm
    Thursday 07:30am - 06:00pm
    Friday 07:30am - 06:00pm
    Saturday 07:30am - 05:00pm
    Sunday CLOSED

    Phone Number: (802) 476-4472

    Customer Service Email or Contact:

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Monro Muffler Brake & Service offers complete auto care and maintenance at significantly low prices. Founder Chuck August opened Monro Muffler in 1966. Today, Monro offers maintenance services, such as tire services, oil, fluid, and filter changes, state inspection, A/C systems, and maintenance inspection. Additionally, Monro provides repair services, which include brakes, exhaust systems, tune-ups, shocks & struts, steering & suspension, battery or electrical, and wiper blades. Monro stands as the largest independently owned car repair specialist in the U.S. with annual revenue over $650 million. Monro only operates in the eastern and Midwestern United States and maintains headquarters in Rochester, NY.