Subway, 840 Sunbury Rd, Unit 504 Glennwood Commons, Delaware, Ohio, 43015
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Subway Near You
840 Sunbury Rd, Unit 504 Glennwood Commons Delaware OH 43015
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Monday thru Friday 07:00AM - 11:00PM
Saturday 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Sunday 09:00AM - 09:00PMPhone Number: 1 740 362-7782
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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Primarily selling sub sandwiches, Subway stands as one of the fastest growing restaurant chains in the world. The first Subway opened in 1965 in Bridgeport, CT, under the name Pete's Super Submarines. The sub shop changed names to Subway in 1968. Today, Subway operates over 37,000 locations worldwide. The sub chain offers hot and cold subs, breakfast items, salads and soups, cookies and muffins, and soft drinks. Subway produces annual revenue of over $16 billion and maintains headquarters in Milford, CT.
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