Tim Hortons, 1401 Ellesmere Rd, Scarborough, ON, M1P 4R4
Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Tim Hortons
Tim Hortons
1401 Ellesmere Rd Scarborough ON M1P 4R4
Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
Monday thru Friday 07:00am - 09:00pm
Saturday 07:00am - 06:00pm
Sunday 11:00am - 05:00pmPhone Number: (416) 431-7092
Customer Service Email or Contact:
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Tim Hortons, often referred to as Tim Hortons Cafe and Bake Shop, operates as a Canadian-based coffee chain with over 4,500 locations across North America. The first location opened in Hamilton, Ontario, in 1964. The coffee shop specializes in premium coffee, espresso-based beverages, and teas. Additionally, Tim Hortons sells food, such as baked goods, soups, sandwiches, and wraps. With thousands of shops in the U.S. and Canada, Tim Hortons employs over 100,000 workers.