
Wachovia, 7931 GUNN HWY, TAMPA, Florida, 33626

Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Wachovia

  1. Wachovia
    7931 GUNN HWY TAMPA FL 33626

    Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
    Mon-Thu 08:00 AM-05:00 PM, Fri 08:00 AM-06:00 PM, Sat 09:00 AM-02:00 PM, Sun closed

    Phone Number: 813-471-2480

    Customer Service Email or Contact:

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The original Wachovia began in 1908 in Charlotte, NC. The banking corporation split into four different financial divisions: General Banking, Wealth Management, Capital Management, and Corporate and Investment Bank. Wachovia operated over 40 banking and financial centers in 21 US states, including Florida, Connecticut, California, and Washington, DC. In December 2008, fellow financial service company Wells Fargo and Company began the process of purchasing Wachovia. The company officially became a member of Wells Fargo and Company on October 15, 2011.