
Zellers, 1415 McPhillips Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2V 3C4

Store Hours of Operation, Location & Phone Number for Zellers

  1. Northgate Shopping Centre
    1415 McPhillips Street Winnipeg MB R2V 3C4

    Hours(Opening & Closing Times):
    Sun: 12: 00PM6: 00PM Mon: 9: 00AM-9: 00PM Tue: 9: 00AM-9: 00PM Wed: 9: 00AM-9: 00PM Thu: 9: 00AM-9: 00PM Fri: 9: 00AM-9: 00PM Sat: 9: 00AM-9: 00PM

    Phone Number: (204) 339-9243

    Customer Service Email or Contact:

Zellers Coupons, Promos, Discounts, Special Offers:

The map and information below will help you find the closest Zellers near you. Need to know what time Zellers in Winnipeg opens or closes, or whether it's open 24 hours a day? Read below for business times, daylight and evening hours, street address, and more.

Based out of Brampton, ON, Canada, Zellers operates a chain of discount variety stores. Made up of over 350 locations, Zellers offers clothing, footwear, bedding, electronics, sports equipment, and housewares. Additional products include grocery items, beauty products, and jewelry. Like many competing big-box stores, Zellers average store size sits around 90,000 square feet. The Hudson's Bay Company currently manages Zellers stores.